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Save the Date for MPC Physicals Day May 7

Save the Date for MPC Physicals Day May 7
Save the Date for MPC Physicals Day May 7
  • Events
  • athletics
Save the Date for MPC Physicals Day May 7

Mark your calendars for the the MPC athletics department annual Sports Physicals Day on May 7 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. in Mulkey Hall, Hughes Gym/Athletics Hall Classrooms. Partnering with PT Solutions, certified doctors and nurses will conduct the physicals for your athlete. Physicals will be valid for one calendar year. 

Student-athletes in rising grades 5-12 are invited to attend in order to be ready to play MPC sports for the next school year. Participation is optional but this opportunity is a great way to check this required task off your list. Please have your student wear athletic attire.

The fee for phyiscals is $25 and can be paid in cash, credit, or check made payable to Mount Paran Christian School. 

Forms must be filled out and signed by a parent before arrival. Students over age 18 do not have to have a parent sign. 

GHSA Physicals Form (printout, and be sure parent fills out page 1 and 2 in advance)

Sports Interest Form 2025-2026 School Year