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EST. 1976

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Middle School Business Fair Gets Real

Middle School Business Fair Gets Real
Middle School Business Fair Gets Real
  • Academics
  • News
Middle School Business Fair Gets Real

This past spring, seventh grader M. Fagan made a splash at the MPCS Sixth-Grade Business Fair with her House lanyards.  Eagles Nest Manager Courtney Cofield and Director of Auxiliary and Volunteer Services Courtney Barbito recognized a great product when they saw it and asked if Miss Fagan would be willing to sell her lanyards in the Eagles Nest. 

With the start of a new school year, House spirit wear is in high demand, especially with students new to the middle school House system.  Miss Fagan agreed to work with the Eagles Nest to provide the lanyards at a wholesale cost.  She provided a quote, placed the order with her vendor, and, upon delivery, provided an invoice.  Lanyards are now available for all Aequitas, Chara, Gratia, Phileo, and Veritas fans in the Eagles Nest for $6 each!

Congratulations to Miss Fagan for a top-notch idea, and best wishes on her future entrepreneurial successes!