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EST. 1976

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GoFan Mobile Ticketing

GoFan Mobile Ticketing
GoFan Mobile Ticketing
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  • athletics
GoFan Mobile Ticketing

MPC athletics uses the GoFan app for mobile ticketing for sporting events. Preload your tickets through the app on your phone before the game. All Eagle fans are encouraged to purchase game tickets in advance. Users are encouraged to pre-purchase tickets through GoFan in advance before arriving to campus to assist with quick mobile-connectivity.

The GoFan app is used for mobile ticketing for all varsity sporting events.

Go To GoFan


If you do not have a GoFan account already, follow these simple steps to setup an account.

  • Download the GoFan app on your phone for Apple or Android.
  • Set up an account before accessing any links or codes for passes that may have been provided by MPC athletics or high school administration.
  • After creating your account, search for Mount Paran Christian School. You should see a list of athletic events, as well as Eagle Backer membership links. If you do not see this, hit the refresh button at the top right corner, next to the heart.
  • We encourage all MPCS families to join Eagle Backers. Some membership levels offer tickets for all regular season home games.
  • If you are purchasing tickets for a single game, select the game and the number of tickets you would like to purchase. 
  • Be patient. It may take a few minutes to populate and complete your order, as we have many people using the link at one time. Questions? Visit the GoFan FAQs.

Thank you for your continued support of our MPCS student-athletes!

The guidelines to allow spectators to safely attend home football games include the following:

  • All sporting events on campus this year will be cashless. 
  • All ticketing for varsity games will be through the GoFan app.
  • Preschool/TK, lower school, and middle school students should be always under the supervision of a parent or adult while on campus, including tailgates and athletic events.
  • The Sewell Stadium Landing Area is designated for children in second grade and below. While the area is monitored by a staff member, parents should always supervise their children’s activities.
  • MPC fans should follow the MPC Way guidelines for cheering on our Eagles.



  • All spectators who purchased a general admission ticket should enter the stadium through the Newsome Ticket Center / Eagle Walk.
  • Eagles Backers, GHSA Passholders, and staff members should enter the stadium through the pass gate located across from the Murry Innovation Center entrance.
  • All visitors' team families should enter through the Newsome Ticket Center. 
  • If a spectator needs to leave the stadium after they have entered, he/she must have a wristband for re-entry.