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EST. 1976

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Reset Password


Please provide your username and password to log in:

Forgot your login?

Please enter your email address. Instructions for retrieving your username and password will be emailed to you.

Create a new Password

Please enter your username and create a new password.

*Please note: You must use an email address submitted upon enrollment registration in order to access the Eagle family portal. Staff and students username is always the FIRST portion of their email address (i.e. jrsmith26) 
**Only current faculty and staff, coaches, and board members are granted access to the EagleNet Intranet area of the portal. Please use school-issued email addresses for login.
Young smiling girl with a Dr.Seuss book in hand and she is wearing a hat with words on them.

After password reset, reload the homepage and toggle the arrow button on the left edge to sign in to the Eagle Family Portal. 

MPCS Homepage

Eagle Family and Staff Portal