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EST. 1976

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Class Notes

Dr. Tilley Leadership
We are so proud of our son as he graduates from college. He has flourished in college and will tackle his career with the same determination. Academic and career accomplishments are great, but what is most important is what happens on the inside. We know man looks at the outward appearance, and God looks at the heart. We are grateful for a faithful God and for his time at MPCS. Many good and Godly people poured into our son. Thank you, Mount Paran, and thank you Jesus!

M. and C. Galanos

MPCS Alumni Parents

Follow Alumni on Social Media

A young group of students is smiling near an outdoor field.

Follow more MPCS alumni stories on all our social media channels AND the MPCS Network!

FACEBOOK:  @Mount Paran Christian School Alumni (private group)
Twitter:  @MPCSAlumni
LinkedIn:  @Mount Paran Christian School Alumni Association (private group)
MPCS Network:, or download the MPCS Network mobile app.
A student graduated from Mount Paran Christian School in Kennesaw, GA

Alumni Flying High in College

Congratulations to those MPCS alumni who earned exemplary academic achievement at their colleges this past semester or who have recently graduated from college!

These lists of students recognizes only those who are listed through the Merit Pages Program or those that MPCS has come to learn of from other sources. 

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Alumni of the Year Recipients

Alumni of the Year Recipients

No post to display.
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MPCS Alumni Class Notes

A sticky notepad with a text that says, Class Notes

Class Notes

Be sure to read the latest alumni class notes in the summer "Wingspan" Magazine.

Don’t miss announcements about the Alumni of the Year awards and latest news on your fellow classmates!
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Alumni Internships

The Alumni MPCS Internship Program's goal is to place collegiate alumni in an internship in one of the many departments of the school.  The program provides opportunities for alumni who would like to partner with the school in gaining valuable hands-on experience relating to the career they are pursuing. Future internships are available in these areas:
  • Information Technology
  • Development
  • Business Office (Human Resources, Auxiliary Services, Finance)
  • Servant-Leadership
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Operations
  • Performing Arts
  • Athletics Administration, Coaching
  • Merchandising and Retail
  • Counseling or Healthcare
  • Summer Programs
  • Student Teaching, and more!
The program offers great flexibility and has been successful with our young alumni. Please inquire!

Alumni Internship Policies

Alumni Internship Interest Form

Alumni Internship Application

What is the MPCS Network?

The MPCS Network is a private forum, similar to LinkedIn, but made for MPCS alumni and families to connect professionally. Anyone affiliated with MPCS (former and current families, staff, alumni parents, grandparents, alumni, etc.) and their businesses are invited to join the Network. The platform assists our alumni in their career pursuits and provides a free place for business owners and professionals to promote their companies and be visible to our total community. The Network offers boards in these areas:

  • Directory for Professionals
  • Community Business Directory
  • Business Promotions
  • Mentoring Hub
  • Job Boards
  • News Feed
  • Events
  • Communications
  • Photo Galleries
  • Groups
  • Resources

All are invited to join online! Tap below to sign in to the MPCS Network or join now.


Join or Sign In to the MPCS Network

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The MPCS Network app is a great way to follow the journey of others in our MPCS community.Taylor (Mulkey) Kinsey

MPCS class of 2009